Archive for Januari 2013

Pelajaran dari sebuah keinginan untuk foto dengan Philip Mantofa

Waktu di Tunjungan plaza, saya dengan Bestfriend, Ticex lagi makan di la mian. Saat itu Ticex menyadari ada pendeta Caleb dan family makan d meja sebrang. Tanpa berharap apa2, meja saya dan pendeta Caleb selesai makan bersamaan. Ticex mengagumi pendeta Caleb. Dia ia ingin foto bersama. Tapi karena malu, dia ga berani mengajak foto bersama. Nah grup kita sempat berpisah. Tapi ga lama ketemu lagi. Saya bilang begini ke Ticex: 'Cex km sungguhan mau nggak? Klo iya aku tanya... Siapa tahu abis foto sama pendeta Caleb km bs foto sama iparnya, Philip Mantofa.' Foto dengan pendeta seterkenal Philip Mantofa sdh jadi keinginan Ticex dr dulu. Saya akhirnya tanya, fotolah kita. 

Kemudian kemarin saat saya retret di Bukit doa imannuel, gereja mawar sharon. Saya mendadak dipanggil oleh pendeta-pendeta GMS untuk melibatkan saya dalam acara 'Lomba gombal' Saat itu Ticex dan saya sepakat untuk meminta mereka foto bersama. Ticex pun bilang ke saya.. "Wah nih dah dapat foto-fotonya, gak lama dapat foto bareng ko Philip."

Dan ternyata itu terjadi betulan! Waktu pulang retret, saya memutuskan untuk datang ke penutupan acara Revolution/retret. Saya datang sendiri dan mencarikan kursi untuk teman saya Ticex yang datang menyusul saya di GMS, cempaka. Saya datang sudah telat 30 menitan, tapi ternyata masih ada 2 kursi persis di belakang Philip Mantofa! Nggak pake lamaaa.. begitu ibadah selesai langsung saya, Ticex dan Moy, kita bertiga meminta foto dengan ko Philip Mantofa. Dan seperti biasa.... saya yang harus maju duluan untuk meminta foto bersama. Tapi gapapa, semua berakhir happy ending deh ceritanya... Ticex, saya, Moy dapat salaman dan ketemu org sehebat Philip Mantofa...

"Bermimpilah terhadap hal yang besar dan dimulai dari hal yang terkecil"

Firman untuk berkerja dalam misi

Aku dapat pertobatan waktu di hillsong, Sydney, nah waktu di GMS aku dapat panggilan untuk melakukan misi dalam kehidupan, dan meningkatkan tabungan iman. Salah satunya dengan membuat komitmen disaat umur 23, aku akan berkerja untuk memuliakan nama Tuhan dengan mengembangkan anak2 yang terlantar supaya lebih pintar. Aku pun membuat editan foto seperti ini:

Lalu aku berdoa dan meminta ayat firman secara randomly: dapat kata nasib. Search d bible, trs milih dari pengkhotbah. Dapat ayat begini:

Aku merasa ayat ini tepat sekali sesuai dengan yang aku butuhkan dan membuat aku lebih bersemangat dalam menjalani hidup! Praise the Lord!!

SO Recipe Valentine Dinner: Tenderloin steak with Red Wine Sauce, Mashed potato, and Salad

It's raining at the outside and i spend my weekend with father. So I decided to cook some dishes that he like and enjoy the night on the dinner table, it is.... 

Tenderloin steak with Red Wine Sauce, Mashed potato, and Salad

Tenderloin steak with red wine sauce

Ingredients: (Serve for 2)
1.  400 gram of Tenderloin
2. 5 tablespoons Red wine ( I use Australian red wine Shiraz Cabernet)
3. Salt, Paper, Thyme, Mix herbs
4. 2 Tablespoons

Sandra's Olga way to cook:
1. Prepare your meat. If its from your fridge, bring it out and wait until the meat has a room temperature. 
2. Make it thinner, I slice it into two pieces.
3. Make it tender with "Meat hammer mallet tenderizer" I use the small size. It makes the seasoning more deep.
4. Next, I put the meat on the glass bowl and add some Red Wine ( A right size of Glass Bowl make the red wine more deep into the meat)
5. Put some season with salt, paper, little bit thyme and mix herbs. Turn over the meat and massage all the side of it.
6. Marinade for 30-60 minutes ( You can move to cook some other complimentary)
7. Prepare your griddle pan and put butter on it. Heat up until very hot.
8. Reduce the heat on medium, and put the marinaded steak. I also put the marinade sauce above it.
9. I like to eat medium well, so I grill for 4 minutes, each side ( If you want a well done, make it 7 minutes; It also depends on how thick of your steak; Only turn over the steak once time.)
10. Put it on a plate and wait for a few minutes before serving.

Mashed potato
Ingredients: (Serve for 2)
1. 5 pieces of baby potato
2. 1/2 cup of milk
3. 1 Tablespoon of butter
4. Salt and Paper
5. Cream-light
 Sandra's Olga way to cook:
1. Prepare your baby potato ( its better than the big one, easy to cook)
2. Put the potatoes on a pot and boil it with a medium heat, until the potatoes tender but still firm, over 15 minutes  (Use a fork to test) then drain.
3. Peel the potatoes skin put it on the mixing bowl. (Don't over peeling the potatoes)
4. Use your sauce pan,  put the milk and butter, wait until butter is melted. 
5. Put it on your mixing bowl. Add cream light and slowly blend it with a beater/whisk until smooth and creamy.
6. Add some salt and paper as you many as you want. (You also can put grated cheese)

Red Wine Sauce
Ingredients: (Serve for 2)
1. 1 Tablespoon of minced Garlic
2. 1 Teaspoon of Diced Chili
3. 1/2 Teaspoon of Lemon
4. 1 Tablespoon diced Onion
5. 1 and 1/2 Tablespoon butter
6. 1 Tablespoon dried parsley
7. 1/2 Cup of Red Wine ( I use an Australian red wine Shiraz Cabernet)
8. 1 Teaspoon of mustard
 Salt and Paper

Sandra's Olga way to cook:
1. Use your sauce pan, put 1/2 butter, onion, garlic, diced chili until it begins to turn pale gold. 
2. Put the wine and mustard, whisk all together on low medium heat.
3. Take out the pan from the stove. 
4. Add Season: Salt, paper, lemon, and parsley. Mix it.

Ingredients: (Serve 2)
1. A lettuce
2. 5 tablespoons diced Tomato
3. 4 Tablespoons of Grated Carrot
4. 3 Tablespoons apple vinegar
5. 1 Tablespoon lemon
6. 3 Tablespoons Olive oil

Sandra's Olga way to cook:
1. Clean the vegetable, cut it into small bite pieces
2. Put down the lettuce on a water and add some apple vinegar, wait for 3-5 minutes.
3. Take out the lettuce and wash it.
4. On a mixing bowl, mix all the vegetables, add lemon and olive oil

Serve all the dishes on the steak plate.

About the writer

I have a passion on food and like to ' learn by doing' . I made some experiments with a lot of recipe and ingredients. Actually this dishes just for a beginner, but my father like it. So please try to cook with love and joy for your special person.

Please visit my: Facebook and instagram @sandraolga to see more photos.. :)

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